Thursday, November 5, 2009

AU enrollment

As mentioned before, I am doing enrollment for Alternatives Unlimited. The district is processing the applications and from what I heard, they should be done by late November. In the meantime, I have been doing some enrollment for Alternatives Unlimited in Sacramento. I have been going to Seafood City supermarket. It has plenty of Asians. The enrollment requirements in the Sacramento district are different than OUSD. I can't take the application from the parents. I can't stand outside of schools. They have to list 3 choices of tutoring programs. Sometimes 1 person will approach me for an application. Usually, I get about 5 names and phone numbers and then submit that to my new supervisor. On Monday, I tried going to SF Market, another place that has plenty of Asians but they made me leave so I went back to Seafood City. I tried to add another day but my supervisor says that they're going to stop enrollment in Sacramento because they aren't getting enough people signing up. However, when you can't take the application from parents, how can you know that they sent it in? Most likely, they'll forget about it.

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