Friday, April 30, 2010


You can have all the youth programs and afterschool programs in the world but they won't do any good unless you address the issues going in the neighborhoods and homes. Many of these kids come from homes where the parents don't care. They just want to get high and party. The kids are around because the parents didn't use pregnancy prevention techniques. Also, the parents aren't educated and don't speak English so they don't know how to talk to educators. You have to get rid of the bad environment in the neighborhoods:tear down convenience stores, get rid of the drug dealers and hookers, remove the graffiti, pick up the garbage off the floor, sweep the streets, paint the walls, remove the shabby housing projects and replcae them with good ones.

DSS should partner with other groups and go to the homes to make sure families can get clothes, food, find work. By the way, the career centers are useless. They don't do anything. You just sit in front of a computer. You can do the same in the library or at home. Maybe they can be employed to clean up the streets in their neighborhoods. They can make sure the drug/alcohol family can get into treatment. Take the kids from the home until the parents improve. If not, the parental rights should be terminated

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