Thursday, May 27, 2010


This week I made it an opportunity to get certain things done regardless. On Monday, I cleaned the floorboards and vacuumed around them. This meant vacumming the suitcase, shoe, and box closets. Yesterday, I inquired about teaching health at University of Phoenix. I emailed the lady I was told is responsibe and an email reply says she's out of the office until June 7. I also inquired about temporary employment with Alameda County and had to fill an interested card since it's not open. As for Hayward state, the Dean in Public Affairs Administration Department emailed to say she'd add me to the list of potential lecturers. Last Friday, I vacummed the family room, both bedrooms, cleaned the kitchen countertops, wiped down the door edges, window sills, and vent areas. Yesterday, I wiped down the closet doors.

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