Saturday, June 19, 2010

Our Place Tutoring

I started with this company about a month ago. Same population and subject matter. Shoddily managed. They egt the information wrong and don't do anything when you tell them. I called one person they gave several times and he got upset saying we keep calling there and we have the wrong number. I couldn't find the address listed either. I told them and they did nothing. Another family wanted a tutor that speaks Spanish. I tried to ask for the cell number but the dad didn't understand. I called the number given, left a message, and the mom said you can't leave messages on her phone. You can leave messages on any phone as long as voice mail is set up correctly. I tutored two kids in Oakland and three in Vallejo. One mother didn't seem to care even though her son rrrreeeaaalllyyy struggles with reading and writing. he was held back. yet she didn't even call when she a tutor didn't show up. The company said go to homes. I did and luckily it was the right address but the number they gave was wrong. I couldn't meet with this family throughout June as they were busy with other things.

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