Saturday, February 24, 2018


people say alameda is a very nice place. When I first got glimpses of it, it seemed like a nice touristy place but when I was working there at the beginning of last school year i saw an UGLY side on an island called Bay Farm. From what I've heard it's an island within Alameda. They came off as snobby to anyone who was different. My supervisor acted like her way was the only right way and did not want to use the internet which, btw, the WHOLE world uses. With my current tutoring kids grades 5-6 are using learning website that their classmates and teachers have accounts for and rely on it for assignments. Some of the Bay Farm people were so vicious they belonged in jail. Also, some of the kids were like little princesses. They were constantly crying especially if you tried to do your job and they or their parents would severely criticize you! I am wondering if I should have contacted CPS about one girl who was crying half the time at the tutoring center since I haven't see that behavior there or anywhere else. It looked like her dad was emotionally abusing her as she never associated with anyone and I was told she keeps to herself. Once the supervisor pulled her aside for a private session. I asked why and was told she got a bad grade. Two different tutors, one week, two bad grades, it's not tutor specific. Supervisor said she lacked self confidence. ALL OF THESE THINGS ARE SIGNS OF EMOTIONAL ABUSE! I am wondering if the supervisor was afraid of her dad. After all her parents are corporate CEO's so they can get powerful lawyers. Many of the kids had parents brokering deals in foreign countries. Glad I left and someone needs to shake things up again!! I HATED BAYFARM AND NEVER EVER WANT TO SEE OR HEAR FROM THEM AGAIN!

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