Saturday, February 17, 2018

possible solutions to school violence

based on Florida's shooting I heard that one problem is our politicians support the NRA making guns that much easier for someone who's already unstable. Voters need to let politicians know that they won't vote for them if they support the NRA.  Another thing I've noticed is that when kids start showing signs of problems early on nothing is done to address it the kid is just seen as bad. There needs to be better recognition of warning signs and implementation of support services. This means in credentialing programs teachers receive training on recognizing warning signs, laws are made where schools must start providing counseling within a certain time frame. Pediatricians and therapists should recognize the signs in older kids and adults and if they pose a threat be held against their will. Parents need to be educated by doctors on warning signs and if they don't work with doctors or school to help their kids CPS should be down on them!

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