Monday, July 16, 2018

the past year

The beginning of last year started out with an afterschool program. Some of these afterschool programs have kids that are heard to deal with. They are defiant and refuse to listen to staff and some of the staff just don't do any work at all. They let things happen. When you try to discipline the kids they make you out to be bad and their parents believe them. I then had some substitute jobs. One of them made me want to try special ed. Sometimes I liked not knowing where I would end up that day. Some places I liked some I didn't. The company needed to treat their substitutes better. I then started with OUSD in Nov 2017 doing special ed. Just finished summer preschool special ed with OUSD. It is physically exhausting as you are changing diapers and feeding the kids even those that are 10-11 years old because they are severely handicapped: Autism, ID (MR) nonverbal, not potty trained, physically uncoordinated, 6-7 year olds that are the size of 3 year olds. The school I was in during the year had friendly staff who cared about the kids but had a lot of learning to do. A few seemed lazy. The preschool I was in didn't have a lot of friendly staff and some of them didn't really engage with the kids they just wanted them to sit down and be quiet. It seemed they were just there for a check. I liked to try and get the kids who weren't participating to participate. Others seemed to know how to talk to kids and tried to have fun activities for them. One of them I thought had a great circle time routine even though she is in the process of becoming credentialed. Her aide was older and had more experience with kids especially in checking if they needed changing. 

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