Saturday, August 4, 2018

The Life Lessons of Mary Poppins

yesterday I saw the Mary Poppins play and both the church that held it and the play itself give good life messages such as family is the most important and make the best of bad situation and the pastor related George Banks to how Jesus works. As most of you may know he was a prim and proper gentleman of the Victorian era who couldn't relate to kids so he dumped them on Nannies then Mary Poppins comes as a nanny who makes him change to see that family is the most important. The Pastor described her as bringing joyful chaos and says that Jesus does the same for us by paying for our sins. The play had extra scenes not in the movie. Although Supercalafragelsiticexpdealidocous was in the movie the Pastor used it as a way of saying something to ease a situation where you don't know what to say. He also mentioned Mrs. Banks as not being sure of her place in life which is something people today can feel although they may not say it. In the play it shows she doesn't like the prim and proper high society life but does love her husband. The Pastor relates it all to Jesus showing how he finds a place for us by paying for our sins.

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