Saturday, March 23, 2019

lucky to be alive

Today I was driving to the vacuum shop and saw 2 police cars, 1 ambulance and realized that 2 cars must have crashed because they were badly damaged in the front. The paramedic was checking vitals on one person and the police were trying to get information from her. Later the triple A truck was towing one of the cars. I went through a similar experience in the fall of this year. I will admit I was most likely at fault. I tried to turn at the light and was hit from the back. The airbags came out. The police were already there. The guy was taken by ambulance as a precaution. To this day I pray that he’s ok for moral and legal reasons. The cops nor insurance ever told me even though I kept asking if he was ok. I hope the people involved in the accident this morning are ok.

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