Friday, May 24, 2019

Insight from Grapes of Wrath

has anyone ever seen the Grapes of Wrath movie? If so the ending where Ma Joad says "we can't be beat" can apply even in the modern world. Movies like that should be shown more rather than stupid comedies. If anything it makes us see the invisible: migrant workers picking fruits in the fields: whom we see as just being there to do what we won't do. It forces us to see them as human beings who want a better life for their families like we all do. It shows us that they are not  ignorant  people. They are well aware of the dishonesty of the labor contractors. It makes us see the desperation that many of us don't think about. Being cheated out of a living wage. The discrimination through unfounded searches by police or in some cases being singled out for abuse

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