Thursday, August 22, 2019

adventures in the classroom

today I knocked on the door of the room I'm supposed to help in. I knocked five times before someone answered. From the beginning the sub looked like she didn't know what was happening so I created a strategy for the kids asking to get water and go to the bathroom. I had them go to the bathroom in the order they raised their hands and line up by the faucet. One of the kids mentioned what they do during quiet time so I started playing soft music on my phone and turned off the light. When it was noon I turned on the light to signal quiet time is over. The sub asked them about their books and some kids started opening their books without her first telling them where they needed to be so they were all over the place. I immediately started asking who had the books and calling table numbers to get books if needed. I took away the pencils so they would listen then called them by groups to get the pencils. The sub told the front office she felt I was taking over the class so they told me to let the sub teach the class I told them it doesn't look like she has control of the class. The special assignment teacher said she needs to figure out how to teach the class because if I take lead then she will not have to teach so that made me suspect they already knew she wasn't doing a good job. The special assignment teacher told me to pull students to the back to work with them so I took three at a time and others started coming to the back without being called which made me suspect the kids are glad I'm there because the sub somehow isn't teaching them. Later I explained again that it didn't look like she knew what to do so I tried to use techniques I've seen other good subs do. Later a secretary asked about her and she said that the sub wasn't in the room so the kids were in there by themselves and the teacher on special assignment said "let's cancel her for tomorrow" I was thinking that it was good I tried to take over the class

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