Tuesday, August 13, 2019

bad story sticking with me

a while back I was reading horror babysitting stories and this one stuck in my mind

Oh, there were a few things.
I would say the MOST inappropriate thing I was asked to do was hit the children. It was never, ever, ever going to happen, but I knew in the first, like, minute and a half of that job that I’d never be back.
I was either 12 or 13, very young. The woman called me after another woman I babysat for every once in a while had recommended me. The first woman was no delight to sit for, either…she once counted popcorn kernels into a paper bag with each child’s name on it. Each child could have no more than fifty kernels in their microwaved lunch bag of popcorn. Wild stuff. Anyhow.
It was a very weird vibe just walking in. The mom was sort of wild-eyed hostile for no apparent reason, and it was chaotic from the get-go. She had two beautiful little girls, one of whom was a young preschooler who didn’t really speak. The little girl saw me, toddled partway over, stooped to pick up a dead squirrel by the tail, and held it up so I could see it. Without hesitation or a single word, the mom backhanded the child across the face and sent her flying. She kicked the squirrel aside, picked up the girl, smacked her on the bottom, and told me to follow her into the house. At least one time and probably more during her instructions to me, she told me to “just smack ‘em” if they did anything wrong.
Yeah, no, I’m not doing that.
The fun part of all of this was that, as I mentioned in some other weird-babysitting-anecdote answers, after she gave me my instructions she placed a big stack of cash on the microwave. Then she turned around, pointed a finger in my face, and told me that if any was gone she’d know I’d stolen it. Her husband ended up getting home before she did, and he paid me from the microwave cash before driving me home. I was never asked back (I wouldn’t have gone), but I always wondered if she went back and saw money missing and yelled that she effing knew it.

The babysitter should have reported this mom to CPS because she obviously HATED her kids!

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