Saturday, August 3, 2019

shootings out of control continued

what is going on with the string of shootings seen since the 2010's 1. Dec 2012-Newtown 2. July 2012-Aurora 3. Nov 2015-Paris 4. Dec 2015-San Bernardino 6. July 2016-Florida gay night club shooting 7. Oct 2018-Las Vegas 9. Oct 2018-Parkland 10. Last week-Gilroy garlic festival 11. Today-Walmart in El Paso Have there been changes in gun control laws? Are people less willing to incarcerate someone who is a danger to themselves or others? Is there less willingness to help someone who could potentially become violent because they are seen as untreatable? Is there less funding for background checks? Do individual rights supersede public safety? Is there less availability of mental health and social services?

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