Monday, September 16, 2019

celebrities, money, and justice

Felicity Huffman wants to do her 14 days in a cushy prison. Just because she's a celebrity! Bernie madoff is doing life! Then Enron CEO's did more time! Mind you only 14 days! Someone else who's not a celebrity would have done more time! What she did is FRAUD which is illegal and she should NOT be allowed to choose where she does time that's the judge's decision. Any other person would not have been able to choose where they do their time. IT WOULD NOT HAVE EVEN BEEN CONSIDERED! When are she and Lorie Laughlin gonna be shown being whisked away in handcuffs rather than having cameras surrounding them and wearing $10,000 dresses? What they did is FRAUD anyone else would have gone to jail without all the commotion!  

But hey as we've learned from this case money can help rich influential people avoid being responsible for their actions and get them things that everyone else has to earn!

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