Thursday, February 20, 2020

health care coverage

ever since I had an interesting conversation with my friend Judy Gervasi about health care being a basic right I have been interested in health coverage. I know Obama had good intentions but premiums are at an all time high. Donald Trump said he would repeal Obamacare but hasn't done anything in terms of health coverage. Just wondering depending on who is elected in 2020 how it would impact health coverage. If anyone has seen the movie John Q the lady that played his wife looked exactly like Michelle Obama and the movie was made before Obamacare so I am wondering if Obamacare had been around at that time how it would have impacted the storyline. I know Europe has socialist medicine and I've been taught that it was a good thing in my public health degree but from what I've seen people who have needed major care would not be alive today if they hadn't received it in the US. To conclude what do you all think healthcare coverage will end up in the coming years?

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