Monday, May 4, 2020

the quarantine is going too far

I understand in March we quarantine to flatten the curve and it would end in april, which was what was originally supposed to happen. Now the government is overdoing it. Several states have protested which should tell them something! Next they say the quarantine will end on may 3rd now they're extending it to may 31. Coumo who has briefings everday extended the quarantine for NY after hearing that nearby Washington D.C started easing restrictions and showed people outside in the warm weather. It's as if he extended the quarantine to exert his control.🤔 coumo deep down likes it because the spotlight is on him. Before that he was a director of a nonprofit building homes for the homeless! Not many people care about the homeless. Now he has the chance to talk about a virus affecting the whole world. Guess which one he took? gavin Newsom opened the beaches and immediately closed them. Somehow the democratic states seem to be the ones extending it. Michigan who has been protesting longer than anyone else their governor doesn't have the balls to face the protesters!😒 I am wondering if some of the democratic states are getting a big payout from the feds. The longer the quarantine the bigger the payout. In the richest most powerful nation 90% of the population should not be out of work. When that happens you need to ask yourself what's wrong. I am wondering if the us planned it with china. They sue china and get a big payment while backing china on making a vaccine?🧐 #openthecountrynow

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