According to the Washington Post, 'The Postal Service is in the process of removing 671 high-speed mail-sorting machines nationwide this month, a process that will eliminate 21.4 million items per hour’s worth of processing capability from the agency’s inventory.
On Thursday and Friday, it began removing public collection boxes in parts of California, New York, Pennsylvania, Oregon and Montana.'
Are they out of their mind?!&* Some government agencies like the DMV, local IRS and Social Security offices are slow enough as it is! Do the feds realize how much more INEFFICEINT they will be?

Some people are saying the Trump administration is messing with the mail boxes to rig the election in his favor. If there are mail sorting machines available which I am sure is true with the MILLIONS of mail going out everyday! How specific are they other than country, city, state? I am thinking the mail in ballots will probably all go to the same place according to the mailing address but when they get there how are they sorted out? Are they scanned into a computer and the results are automatically counted or are they manually entered in? If manually entered in I'd think there's much more room for error and would take longer because there's more information to add. If mailboxes are removed, how do we do mail in voting? The results will be backlogged for a long time increasing the possibility of being lost in the mail. Furthermore, it can get to the counting place after the deadline to submit results is over so the percent support for the candidate won't be accurate as they can be undercounted. Even without removing mailboxes, there's also a possibility that people in favor of a certain candidate can manually change the result on a ballot before officially entering it into the system which is VOTER FRAUD!
If the intention is for in person voting, with the coronavirus pandemic taking up the majority of 2020 are states, cities prepared for or even willing to do in person voting by November? If it is possible to do mail in voting, even without the pandemic, one plus is that in an actual booth there are computers and the person enters their information straight into the computer which decreases the chances of human error or rigging the results for any one candidate.
I am wondering if somehow the election can be done online where people enter their information via a secure government website. The results will already be submitted without waiting for mail and less likely to be any fraud since it's harder to manipulate the computer system than the paper based ballots. You can do it at home.
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