Sunday, December 6, 2020


 This PANDEMIC IS CRIPPLING OUR ECONOMY! 😡We have already had 2 lockdowns, wore masks, social distanced and used sanitizers and disinfectants. They didn't work the first time so I doubt they will work a 3rd time!!! THIS COUNTRY CAN'T TAKE ANOTHER HIT! 😡Many business couldn't take the lockdowns and closed permanently! Pier 1 Imports, many Macy's stores are closing, some 24 hour fitness locations, a small restaurant near where I grew up. Gavin Newsom needs to seriously reconsider what he's doing!😡 He was out partying with his friends in a restaurant and then says no one else can! Is he trying to get back at business owners because he got caught? His aunt, Nancy Pelosi, got her hair done and then said no one else can. The lockdowns continue and the most powerful, richest county in the world will be a third world nation! DON'T MAKE THE CURE WORSE THAN THE VIRUS!!!! It's good business owners in LA are fighting back!

 Not to mention, online learning. As a teacher, I can say that online learning isn't working for everyone, especially poor kids in public schools. Many of them come from homes where the parents don't speak English and aren't really involved with their education. If their computers aren't working or the parents have to work outside the home and take the kids along, they miss their education for the day which they wouldn't do if they were actually in school. If the parents aren't good with computers, they can't get the kids logged into class and they also miss their education for the day again which wouldn't happen if they were doing in person learning. For parents who just seem not to care, the kids also don't attend because there's no one making sure they are logged into class. Whereas, if they were on campus at least there's some guarantee that they can do some learning. For kids struggling to learn, online learning is difficult because they don't have that in person guidance that they can get on campus. For homeless kids, their attendence is spotty because they don't have a consistent place to log into classes. If they were on campus at least there's that guarantee that they will have to a place to learn.

This may not be related but I am wondering if some of this is planned.🤔In a socialist regime, the government controls what you have and how institutions are run. There is talk that the richest most powerful nation built on capitalism may be heading in a socialist direction. With businesses closing, they have to rely on government assistance to pay necessities. With school being closed, they have to rely on online teaching. With the mask requirement, the government could be controlling what we see. I may be wrong but it seems the democrats don't want the pandemic to end and I have to wonder why🤔. AOC is know for making these outlandish statements like 'pay people to stay home'. People aren't meant to stay home. Without contact with others, people develop psychological problems. Besides, the government can't afford to pay for people forever. Our country wasn't built like that. Communist Russia was like that and it hurt the people while the government benefited.  Whitmer, Newsom and Pelosi are known for their unrealistic restrictions which they themselves don't follow. It's good the people of Michigan protested their stay-at-home-orders. They are living the high life while people are suffering. WHEN THIS IS OVER THESE LEADERS NEED TO BE HELD ACCOUNTSBLE FOR THEIR DECISIONS ONE WAY OR THE OTHER!!!

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