Thursday, January 14, 2021

Media double standards

 Either Donald Trump was the unluckiest president ever or the Left is doing a really good job of making him look bad or he subconsciously created an environment of hate. Why did the Left hate Trump so much? They never dumped on Bush or Reagan the same way and they were/are republicans. On the same note, why do the Right see Trump as doing no wrong? They never saw Bush and Reagan as perfect and they were/are republicans.
Double standards from the media! When BLM was rioting last spring they were fighting for social justice. When Trump supporters raided the Capitol they were terrorists.
Both sides were wrong and right. The looting, burning down buildings and throwing tear gas was wrong. Predominantly the minorities are living in the impoverished inner cities and go to the poor public schools. They have a right to be angry about that and fight for better. Prior to the election Biden speeches barely had 10 people watching and a Biden bus was nearly run off the road in Texas. Trump rallies were popping up all over the country. Yet Biden won. The media is very one sided against Trump! They don't mention the good and bad on both sides.

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