Saturday, January 9, 2021

thoughts on current events


in 2020, the U.S, the founder of democracy, has seen things that are normally associated with dictatorial 3rd world countries. I am wondering if the coronavirus is a way to start creating a climate of fear and control.
The BLM protests last spring and what the Trump supporters did on Wednesday are normally associated with 3rd world dictatorial countries.
Is the coronavirus different from other viruses? Exposure to other viruses produces antibodies but not with COVID?
I am wondering if there is a bigger agenda behind the lockdowns besides preventing rising number of cases? Is it possible that our state leaders need to be investigated? Especially since California intensified the lockdowns but the cases are still rising. So obviously the lockdowns aren't working!

On the same note, COVID seems to be the only cause of death. Is it really as dangerous as the media makes it out to be or have rates from other deaths decreased?
Who would have thought that the leader of the most powerful country which founded democracy would have his social media accounts banned?

Why was Nancy Pelosi elected for another term after people were angry at her for her handling of the stimulus talks?

In the days before the election there were many Trump rallies, peaceful unlike what happened Wednesday, and hardly anybody listened to Biden speeches yet Biden won.

Why did Andrew Coumo get an Emmy award for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic? The doctors, nurses, first responders should be the ones receiving Nobel Peace Prizes because they were the ones in the thick of it trying to heal the sick

I am wondering if God is punishing us because we have taken God out of everything. We can't use the word God in school or teach about religion for fear of offending someone. As far as I know, most of this country is still Christian and there are others practicing different religions.

All of this makes me think we need to go back to love of God, country and fellow person!😟😦😬

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