Monday, March 23, 2020

coronavirus hurts and inept leaders

The coronavirus has a done a number on people. Many people are unemployed which is staggering the economy into possibly the next Great Depression. We're probably already in a recession. The media keeps saying everyday that the number of cases is increasing. The elected officials keep saying they are going to provide a stimulus package but the Democrats rejected it today. Do they not care about people. Is this whole thing controlled? The officials know exactly when they're going to say the coronavirus is no longer a threat. Some reports are that schools will be closed the rest of the year. THAT IS NOT AN OPTION! The law says kids need to go to school. How can you check that they're going to school if they are doing it online? It depends on the parents' making sure they go online to do their schooling. The law says kids have to meet certain goals by each year. Being out due to coronavirus will disrupt that ad they may have to repeat the year. The teachers will have a lot of work to do to catch them up and get them back into school mode again. I also read reports of many businesses closing permanently due to coronavirus. THAT IS ALSO NOT AN OPTION! People need money to live. Businesses can't stay closed forever. Students can't be out of school for ever. People CAN'T CONTINUE TO BE PARANOID! The panic buying needs to stop or people will not be able to get necessities. Because of all this, the stock market tanked severely: it is as low as it was during the 1929 Great Depression and the crash of 1987. All I've seen officials do is hold meetings and conferences nothing more. They don't have another plan to implement since they rejected the last stimulus package. The health care workers are the ones doing all the work treating the sick. It's times like these where you see what your elected officials are really like: their competency, willingness to serve. I read an article saying the 15 day quarantine period is hurting people and people should start resuming normal lives. I agree maybe people can show that they tested negative prior to returning to work. Businesses can undergo health inspection to show they are clear prior to opening up. 

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