Saturday, March 14, 2020


I HATE HATE HATE the response to the Coronavirus. The world is shutting down. In 2009 when H1N1 came out and in 2003 when SARS came out people DID NOT REACT LIKE THIS!!!!. Why is this different? My school shut down and I won't get paid for something I have no control over. I am wondering what if maybe, just maybe, the Coronavirus doesn't really exist at all. Pharmaceuticals, the cruise line industry where supposedly the first victims were found and China invented the whole thing. Retailers are making money as well all know about the toilet paper incident. Pharmaceuticals will make money selling medications.  Labs will make money with government funding for testing. The media also helped make it up to get a story for ratings. The cruise line industry with the first victims will take insurance money for loss of revenue. I can't wait for the Coronavirus scare to be over.  I am wondering now if these industries are having a REALLY BIG LAUGH at us! It had better be over by the beginning of April!

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